Car Accident Lawyers in Miami Helping Injury Victims Get the Financial Compensation They Are Entitled to
- The award-winning injury attorneys at Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A. know how to help you with your motor vehicle accident claim with honest and aggressive legal representation.
- A seasoned Miami personal injury lawyer can help you recover damages, whether or not the liable party had auto insurance. The best law firms know how to handle these types of motor vehicle accident claims.
- Our car accident lawyers have earned 5/5 stars – based on numerous reviews online from clients who have used our legal services.
- When you need an honest motor vehicle accident attorney to help you with your car accident case, then look no further than Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A.
Have you or someone you love been in a Florida motor vehicle accident? You could be entitled to financial compensation. Bringing a personal injury claim against the liable party through the legal system can allow you to collect damages for your pain, suffering, and financial losses.
In order to file a motor vehicle accident claim, you should consult with an experienced car accident lawyer. A seasoned Miami accident lawyer will be able to evaluate your case and determine if you have a valid personal injury claim or not.
Car accidents can occur at any time. They always seem to happen at the least convenient time. Even minor car accidents can cause significant car damage, missed work, and even medical expenses. More often than not, severe motor vehicle accidents can cause major expenses and injuries. Although many car accidents don’t end tragically, some car accidents can even result in death.
As the victim of a car accident in the state of Florida, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and financial losses. An experienced car accident attorney will help you determine your eligibility and deal with insurance companies on your behalf. Car accident lawyers can provide victims of car accidents the legal representation they need to handle unruly insurance companies and provide them consistent legal support from the beginning of their case to the end.
When you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, the expenses can quickly add up. Unfortunately for car accident victims, severe injuries are not uncommon in auto collisions. Florida allows car accident victims to recover certain damages for their losses. The liable party can be held responsible for damages to your vehicle and expenses incurred from car accident injuries.
In Florida car accident claims, here are the particular damages that can be awarded in a court of law to the victim:
- Medical expenses including doctor bills and hospital expenses associated with the injuries
- Rehabilitation and physical therapy costs
- The loss of income or lost wages
- The loss of future income or earnings
- Pain and suffering as a result of the incident
With the rising costs of health and medical care, your bills can far exceed what you can support. Worst of all, you may have to pay substantial out-of-pocket expenses, depending on the health insurance you have. If your injuries require you to get a major surgical procedure done, you can be looking at thousands and thousands of dollars in medical expenses. No one deserves to pay such a high price for an accident that was caused due to the negligence of another person.
On top of immediate medical care such as hospital visits, medications, and surgeries, if you have been injured in a car accident and your injuries are severe enough, you may have to go through a long and painful rehabilitation process or extensive physical therapy treatments. While these services will help you make a meaningful recovery, they can be incredibly costly.
Car crashes like the one you were injured in be even more costly if you end up losing income from being out of work for a long period of time. Without a constant stream of finances coming in while bills continue to pile up, you may find yourself in a constricting place, requiring you to alter the entire way you live your life in order to make ends meet.
Potentially even more concerning, car crashes similar to yours can affect your future income and wages. For example, if you are unable to work in your field again due to the injuries you sustained, your entire future can be in jeopardy. Even if you are able to return to work in your field again, suppose you were up for a promotion, and your extended time off of work while injured caused you to miss out on a potential increase of pay. The repercussions of car accidents can be immeasurable, at first.
Car accidents can not only affect your finances but can also affect your state of mind. Car accidents can be harrowing to deal with. Emotional trauma and issues can develop following your crash. The emotional pain and suffering following a car crash can be far more detrimental than any financial hits you may take.
While this rap sheet of potential complications can be overwhelming, you can claim each and every one of those as potential damages for your car accident injury claim. However, proving those damages can be difficult without the proper injury attorney helping you every step of the way. Our injury lawyers have years of experience handling car accidents such as yours. With an understanding of car accidents, and the effort and knowledge it takes to win injury cases like yours, it is important to make sure your pick the right injury attorney to represent your claim. Our team of car accident attorneys will do whatever it takes to defend our clients from negligent drivers that have caused them harm. If you have been injured in a car collision or if someone you know has been injured in a car accident, contact an injury attorney from Miami to help you with your case today.
Here in the state of Florida, there are certain insurance requirements for automobiles that apply across the entire state, including Miami-Dade County drivers. This section will be particularly helpful if you are unsure of what type of car insurance is required in Florida. Florida requires motorists to carry insurance on all of their motor vehicles. These vehicles must also be registered with the state.
Motorists in Florida are required to purchase and keep a minimum of $10,000 in coverage for personal injury protection and $10,000 in damage liability insurance. This coverage must be maintained for the entire duration of having a valid Florida license plate for the vehicle.
What are the differences between personal injury protection and property damage liability? Personal injury protection exists to cover your own damages in an accident. It doesn’t matter which party is at fault.
It covers damages up to the limit of the policy including for passengers and family members involved in the wreck. Property damage liability insurance covers the cost of damages to the other party if you were responsible for the accident.
You can obtain legal services to help you with an injury claim when the other driver was uninsured or underinsured. Your Miami car accident attorney will help you recover damages outside of the typical insurance policy payout. While an insurance policy can get you some compensation, it may not always be enough to cover all of your expenses. An insurance claim and a personal injury claim both can aid as you recover from your injures. It’s important to note that not all insurance claims are granted. Filing an injury claim with a personal injury lawyer can set you up in case your insurance is not enough to cover your losses.
A levy can be placed on the funds of the liable party if they did not have adequate insurance. Depending on the individual motorist, you may receive compensation in a short amount of time or years after your car accident. In any instance, a personal injury lawyer can make a tremendous impact on the overall outcome of your case.
Even if the person responsible for your car accident is insured by an insurance company, it is important to be prepared for any potential pushback. Insurance companies, and in particular, the insurance company representing the person responsible for your injuries, tend to make life difficult for those filing injury claims. Insurance companies are equipped with legal teams that can fight against your claim to lessen the damages they owe. Insurance companies like the insurance company you may deal with in your case can purposefully cause delays that can put your potential injury settlement on hold. A car accident lawyer can work to hold those insurance companies accountable and streamline your case. On top of pushback, the insurance company you may end up dealing with may give you a lowball settlement that does not scratch the surface of what you are entitled to. A car accident lawyer can negotiate these settlements or give you the legal advice you need to determine whether or not further action needs to be taken to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. If the insurance company is prepared for matters like these, so should you. Fight back against the insurance company with the help of a car accident lawyer. The injuries you sustained and the other losses you have incurred can make your life incredibly difficult. Don’t let delays and setbacks caused by the insurance company leave you in a tough spot and let our team of car accident lawyers help you with your case going forward.
When Should You Get A Lawyer For A Car Accident?
Car accidents spring up out of the blue. Many drivers are never prepared for the troubles car accidents can bring. While car accidents are oftentimes inconsequential, some car accidents have the potential to completely derail your life. It is important to note that car accidents of any kind can end up causing problems, health-wise or financially, in the future. Even a minor car crash can eventually lead to serious medical issues in the future. Car accidents are no joke. After seeking medical attention if you have been injured in a car crash, you should contact an attorney experienced in handling motor vehicle crashes as soon as possible. The faster you contact an attorney that handles auto accidents, the faster you can get your injury claim started. Time is of the essence for various reasons. Auto accidents have statutes of limitations. You won’t have to worry about not being able to file a claim if you do so as soon as possible following your car crash. Likewise, the quicker your make your car crash claim, the quicker you may end up receiving a settlement. Do not wait. Your injuries can limit your finances, especially if you suffer lost wages and expensive medical bills following your car crash. Our car accident lawyers can put you and your family in the best position to succeed by representing your claim.
Is It Worth Getting An Attorney For A Car Accident?
The award-winning attorneys at Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A. have years of experience handling auto accident claims and winning cases for their clients. At Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A., we’re a family law firm and your family is our first priority. You are much more than a case number.
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, then you need the support and guidance of an attorney that knows Florida insurance and accident laws. You need the help of an honest automobile accident attorney that will carefully evaluate every detail of your case and aggressively fight for your legal rights.
Contact the Miami-Dade County personal injury law firm of Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A., as soon as you can in the aftermath of your accident to increase your odds of collecting fair compensation for your damages. We offer free consultations and we don’t collect a dime unless you win your case.
We stand by what we do, and we never want you to avoid pursuing compensation for your injuries simply because you are afraid of the legal fees. There is never a fee unless you win!
When you hire an attorney from the Lipcon & Lipcon, P.A. legal team to handle your case, you will work directly with your attorney and we’ll handle the insurance companies. We take the stress off of you, so you can get back to your life. After handling many cases similar to yours, we understand just how important the compensation you are entitled to can be to you and your family. With our personalized help, you can feel at home while getting the service you deserve. Put your trust in us and let us represent you today.
Call us as soon as possible for your complimentary, no-hassle consultation, and let us start fighting for you today. Dial toll-free (866) 824-4080 or call our local number at (786) 686-0658. A real person is waiting to discuss your case.